MEDIATE: MEDIATE website MEDIATE Database sandbox @MEDIATE18C Partner projects: FBTEE/MPCE: The French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe – Mapping Print, Charting Enlightenment, Western Sydney University CERL: Consortium of European Research Libraries STCN: Short Title Catalogue, Netherlands, KB National Library of the Netherlands. USTC: Universal Short Title Catalogue, University of St Andrews Footprints: Jewish Books Through Time and Place, Columbia University BSCO: Book Sales Catalogues Online (Brill) RECIRC: The Reception & Circulation of Early Modern Women’s Writing, 1550-1700, National University of Ireland, Galway Cultures of Knowledge, University of Oxford EDPOP: The European Dimensions of Popular Print Culture, Utrecht University SKILLNET: Sharing Knowledge in Learned and Literary Networks, Utrecht University Follow our blog via email: Email * Twitter feed (@Mediate18C) Tweets by Mediate18c Image: Rijksmuseum