past conferences

Counter-Revolution and the Making of Conservatism(s)
14-15 June 2018

Soeterbeeck conference center
Elleboogstraat 2,
5371 LL Ravenstein

If you wish to attend this conference, please email: before Monday 11 June with the details of your presence.

Thursday, June 14

9:00-9:30 Welcome & Introduction (Matthijs Lok & Juliette Reboul)

Concepts & comparisons

(Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Romantics on the throne: Taming the nation

Friedemann PESTEL
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
Une révolution contre la révolution or le contraire de la révolution?
Semantic Investigations on Counterrevolution (1789‒1830)

(Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra Wolfson College, Cambridge)
An Epistemology for Counter-Revolution: The
Spanish Universalist School, 1773-1805

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

Providence & security
Chair: Matthijs Lok

Beatrice de GRAAF
(Universiteit Utrecht)
How Conservative was the Holy Alliance Really?
European Security Programs Between Providence and Mesmerism, 1815-1818

(McGill University)
The Hebrew Epistolary Novel and the Austrian Secret Police (1815-1845)
European Security Programs Between Providence and Mesmerism, 1815-1818

12:30-13:30 Lunch break

Networks & sociability
Chair: Annelien de Dijn

Jean-Philippe LUIS
(Université Clermont-Auvergne)
The counter-revolutionary circulations between France and Spain from
the French revolution to the Spanish restauration (1789-1875)

(Université Paris Sorbonne)
“It is night across Europe”.
Reading Louis de Bonald and the French Revolution on the continental scale

Raphaël CAHEN
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
“Friedrich Gentz’s cosmopolitan conservative networks”
15:00-15.30 Coffee/Tea

(Counter-) Enlightenments
Chair: Joris van Eijnatten

(Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Enlightenment against Revolution: The Intellectual Origins of Dutch Conservatism

Michiel Van DAM
(Universiteit Gent)
The many faces of St. Paul:
Pauline ethics and spiritual revolt in the Austrian Netherlands, 1760-1790

Amerigo CARUSO
(Università di Padova)
The making of modern conservatism in Germany and Italy

Round table
Network and further research collaboration

Friday, June 15

The radical Counter-revolution
Chair: Matthijs Lok

(University of Leicester)
Survival strategies:
The duke of Ormonde, the earl of Arran, and Jacobite adaptability, 1715-60

(KU Leuven)
The Ancien Régime and the Jeune Premier: The
birth of Russian Conservatism in Vienna

(Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Modernity and the question of conservatism:
a theoretical attempt at reconciling universalism and particularism

11.00-11:30 Coffee/Tea

Counter-Revolution & religion
Chair: Juliette Reboul

(Université Jean Moulin, Lyon III)
The Catholic counter-revolution, a transnational perspective (1770s-1790s)

Alexander KRUSKA
(FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
The ‘Restauration der Staatswissenschaft’ of Karl Ludwig von Haller
as a polemic against early liberal political thought and its conception of social order

(Fordham University)
Crusading against the Revolution:
Catholic Counter-Revolutionary Thought (and Action) across National Borders, ca. 1789-1799

13:00-14:00 Lunch

Conservative modernisms
Chair: Juliette Reboul

Dongxiang XU
(EHESS Paris)
Influences of Some Western Conservative Thoughts and Politics in China
from the 1910s to the 1930s

Jean-François LANIEL
(University of Michigan)
The paradoxical modernity of Ultramontanism

15.00-15.30 Closing Remarks: Friedemann Pestel

15:30 – 16:00 Farewell by the organisers

Digitizing Enlightenment 2
June 15-16, 2017


Radboud University Faculty Club (Marijnenkamer), Geert Grooteplein Noord 9, Nijmegen


Thursday, June 15


9.00 – 9.30         Olivier Hekster (director HLCS Research Institute), Welcome and introduction


9.30 – 11.00       Session 1: The circulation of goods and ideas (chair: Helleke van den Braber)


                               Charles van den Heuvel (Huygens Institute – ING)

                               Golden Agents: Creative Industries and Knowledge Commodities

Victoria Thompson (Arizona State University)

Digitizing Affective Objects in a Global Framework


Simon Burrows (Western Sydney University)

Exploring the Common Reading Culture of Eighteenth-Century Europe: New Digital Methods of Understanding Enlightenment Cosmopolitanism


11.00 – 11.30     coffee / tea


11.30 – 13.00     Session 2: Intellectual networks (chair: Floris Meens)

Katherine McDonough (Western Sydney University)     

Mapping the Encyclopédie to Make an Early Modern Gazetteer                            


Dirk van Miert (Utrecht University)

Reconceptualizing the Enlightenment Republic of Letters


Howard Hotson               (University of Oxford)

Beyond EMLO: Early Modern Linked Open Data                                             


13.00 – 14.00     Lunch

14.00 – 15.30     Session 3: Book history and digital methods – projects (chair: Ivo Nieuwenhuis)

Marieke van Delft (Royal Library, The Hague)

The Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands: new sources for expansion

Raphaële Mouren (Warburg Institute) and Thomas Lebarbé (Université de Grenoble)

Conceiving a Platform for the Reconstruction of Dispersed Libraries: The  Interdisciplinary Approach and its Consequences


Joshua Teplitsky (Stony Brook University)

Footprints: Jewish Books Through Time and Space                                                                      


15.30 – 16.00     Coffee / tea break


16.00 – 17.30     Session 4: Book history and digital methods – sources and questions (chair: Roel Smeets)

Gary Kates (Pomona College)                                                  

The Popularization of Political Thought in Enlightenment Europe


Laure Philip (Western Sydney University)

The Illegal Book Trade Revisited – Overview, Methods, and First Findings        


Lucas van der Deijl (University of Amsterdam)

Spinozist Discourse in Dutch Textual Culture (1660-1720): Limits and Opportunities of Digital Text Analysis for Enlightenment History



Friday, June 16


9.00 – 10.30       Session 5: Studying libraries and collections (chair: Johan Oosterman)

Helwi Blom, Rindert Jagersma, and Juliette Reboul (Radboud University)

MEDIATE: Digitizing Book Catalogues and (Private) Library Collections


Colin Wilder (University of South Carolina)

Studying Library Collections in Early Modern Germany with Computational Methods


Ann-Marie Hansen (Université Rennes 2)

The Universal Short Title Catalogue: Reconstructing Production from the First Age of Print


10.30 – 11.00     Coffee / tea break


11.00 – 12.00      Session 6: Digital editions and publishing (chair: Joanna Rozendaal)

Kristen Schuster (King’s College London)             

Digital Editions of Antiquarian Texts: Collaboration, Innovation and Exploration                                          

Glenn Roe (Australian National University) and Robert Morrissey (University of Chicago)

Digitizing Raynal                            


12.00 – 12.30     Plenary discussion: Planning a website companion to scholarly books, moderated by

Gregory Brown (University of Nevada / Oxford Studies in the Enlightenment)


12.30 – 13.30     Lunch



13.30 – 15.30     Session 7: Collaboration, audiences and sustainability (chair: Alicia Montoya)

Elizabeth Andrews Bond (The Ohio State University)

Linked Data and the Epistolary Enlightenment


Louise Seaward (University College London)     

Enlightening the Crowd? Crowdsourcing Research with ‘Transcribe Bentham’


Lieke van Deinsen (Rijksmuseum Amsterdam)

In search of a lost sensation. Reconstructing literary heritage in a digital age: possibilities and challenges

Marian Lefferts (Consortium of European Research Libraries)

Collaborating in the Consortium of European Research Libraries


15.30 – 16.00     Coffee / tea break


16.00 – 17.00     Closing Round table: Creating a Sustainable Ecosystem of DH Projects

(moderator: Jason Ensor, Western Sydney University)

          What has been achieved, what is possible and what is not

          The challenges ahead: conceptual, technical, institutional

          Possibilities for collaboration

          Working toward sustainability         





This conference has been made possible by generous financial support from the European Research Council and the Dutch-Belgian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.